"One of the smallest , independent kingdoms in the ciberuniverse. Nothing fancy. Population? Just me, myself and my jaguars, my movies and my books (and, at this very moment, YOU). Hided and secret like Skull Island or Opar, the ancients in Guelyland use to read the scrools of a minor god called Voor-Hes.
Most of the treasures of Guelyland are made of paper, plastic and vinyl.Guelyland dreams with expanding in deep more then in surface. The music of Nik Kershaw has been heard here. There are apes, lots of apes in Guelyland. Woody Allen and Bob Hope visit it quite often. Here we love books (the Kingdoms Library is both celebrated and secret) Here we are atheists but very tolerant and think of god a bit too often and much. Guelyland is, the stuff my dreams are made of..."


Friday, May 29, 2009


Usually, I wake up at half past six in the morning and after a quick shower and breakfast like around seven I lay on the sofa and finish my coffee with some twenty minutes of daydreaming. Yes, I just lay there facing my bookshelves and doing absolutely nothing but thinking about nothing special. Almost like when one is about to sleep (only without the sleeping part). Thinking about myself, or people, or books, or movies or just staring in almost an autistic glare. Letting the moments just glide and go. Enjoying these peacefull minutes has become some sort of a thing for me. And no, I'm not into meditation or anything like that. And no, not even a cigarett disturbs me at this time of the day. I guess it's just a luxury i treat myself with while i can afford it. Twenty or twenty-five past seven, time to move and go ahead with the day. After looking for pics to ilustrate this Dolce farniente i may say I'm not the only one.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


El, al parecer, casi perdido arte del afiche de cine. En esta galería de afiches de cine de Tarzan les dejo los de las películas de Johnny Weissmuller, el más recordado de todos los de las pantallas grande y chica. 
La familia perfecta, las mejores mascotas, el mejor lugar para crecer: La Jungla Africana! Una casa en el árbol, leones, lianas, yuyu, nazis, pigmeos, reinos perdidos y la mona Chita! Fueron doce películas (desde 1932, hasta 1948) de diferente calidad pero que para los fans nos deparan igual cariño ya que las seguiremos viendo con la eterna fascinación de ojos de niño por más viejos que estemos.

The almost lost art of the movie poster. In this galery I give you the ones of Tarzan in the Johnny Weissmuller encarnation. The most remembered and beloved of them all.
 The perfect family, the best pets and the greates playground to grow up in: The African Jungle! 
A tree house, lions, lianes, juju, pigmes, lost kingdoms and Cheetah too! Twelve flicks (from 1932 to 1948) of different quality but for the fans loved just the same. Because we gonna keep watching them with the eyes of a kid no matter how old we are.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


DeNiro solía ser en sus años más icónicos un  muchachón casi demasiado responsable con su trabajo (cuando hizo Los Intocables (De Palma, 1987) vestía calzoncillos de seda, que nunca se ven en la película, sólo para compenetrarse con el personaje de Capone, que los prefería y la subida de peso para El Toro Salvaje (Scorsese, 1980) es recontra conocida). La cosa es que  para Taxi Driver (Scorsese, 1976) se enroló de taxista y por ahí encontre una foto de su "taxicab driver's license". Me encanta  lo ordinario de su look, el semi anonimato de su nombre. Lo real en aras de lo irreal. Hoy en día es lugar  común hacer este  tipo de locuras para "compenetrarse con el personaje", es casi parte del marketing para la película. Pero se me ocurre que el buen Bobby fue sincero en su excéntrico fanatismo. En su metodismo. Qué simple el carnet. La foto que se nota tomada en esas anticuadas máquinas en las que todos  salíamos feos  (sin segunda oportunidad digital), engrampada en la cartulina verde...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Hace un tiempo tuvimos unas cuantas ilusiones ópticas aquí en Guelyland. Aquí les dejo unas cuantas más que he ido encontrando aquí y allá.

Long ago we had a little selection of optical illusions here in Guelyland. Here i'll leave to your consideration a few more that i've been finding along the way.
No, nada parpadéa sinó en tu cerebro./Nope, nothing is blinking but in your brain.

Arriba, abajo, primero,último, vanguardia, retaguardia... Todo es relativo./Up, down, first, last, ahead ,behind... I guess everything is relative.

Don't tell me that the leaves aren't moving...Ok., tell me./No me digan que las hojas no se mueven...o si?

Keep trying this one. Not even glue helps./Ni siquiera con goma puedo hacer esto.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Parece que alguien está malogrando lo cool (guay, okay) de esta entrada en mi cool/guay blog. Así que busquen su foto, agárrenlo del cogote y sáquenlo de una buena patada en el poto!

In english too cos is a cool language also, and plenty of guelylanders that should know:
Well, it seems like some dude is messing with my cool entrance in this cool blog. So find his pic pronto and kick him out of here , man!

Hey! You! Yeah, you, the puppy lover. You ain't cool man! Get tha heck outta here!


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